Yesterday I was in a bit of funk. For no reason at all I spent the day feeling sad. Well if I'm being honest- it's because I'm filled to the brim with self doubt. Except I'm trying to change that, but it's really hard when everyone wants to give their two cents about what you should do with YOUR life.
Self doubt is part of the reason I started this blog. I wanted to prove to myself that if I put my time and energy into something-it will flourish. I mean why not believe that? It's gotten me this far. I put all of my time and energy into being a good student and now all of my college tuition is covered.
I do believe that hard work pays off, I just need to prove it to myself more.
Back to self doubt, if I had a dime for every time someone told me "You're not going to get a job"- I wouldn't need a job!
When does saying "You're not going to get a job" do any good to anyone? I'm sorry are you a psychic? Can you perfectly see what my life will be like in 10 years? If so, tell me how it looks. If not, keep your mouth shut because you're fueling me with more self doubt.
Saying "You're not going to get a job" is equivalent to just saying "You can't" and we all know damn well that we CAN do anything. We really CAN. There is no limit to what humans can accomplish.
I would much rather work towards a life that will bring me happiness and fulfillment, than follow the cookie cutter path of my peers because they just want to get rich quick. That's just my two cents.
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