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The Garden

I am whole
I am complete
I have found peace

I've always considered myself an outgoing person. I don't enjoy being the center of attention, but I do enjoy striking up conversations with strangers and soaking up the joy of kindness and solidarity.

Although, lately I find myself glancing down when strangers smile at me, or I awkwardly put an end to a spontaneous conversation.

I just haven't felt comfortable in my own skin lately.

 I mentioned in my "Clarity" blog post the positive changes I've recently made in my life. Along with those, another change I've been trying to implement into my daily routine is positive affirmations. I noticed that my mind has a lot to say, and a lot of what it says is garbage. I want my mind to be less like garbage, and more like a garden.

 I'll plant seeds of gratitude, positivity, and light and nourish them with affirmations and self-love. I only want to introduce my garden to things that will make it healthy and strong. Which means there is no room for self-doubt, negativity, or darkness.

 My garden is just budding, which means I am gaining the confidence to smile back at strangers, or spark up witty conversations, but the point is- is I am trying. Every day I am trying to be better than the day before, and it's only when I  acknowledge that I am in a better place than I was yesterday- that I am assured that I am making progress.


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